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Best Cruise Tips

Park by the Ports – Best Cruise Tips

Going on a cruise ship for a few days or maybe weeks of vacation is one of the best experiences you can have. Whether it’s your first time or your 20th time, it’s always going to be a unique trip meeting new people along the way and enjoying the good things in life. Having said all of that, we’re here to show you how you can turn your cruise trip into an even more memorable one. You can maximize the experience by taking note of these cruise tricks and tips that we’re about to share with you. All aboard!


Of course, we’re going to start with some money-saving tips because we know that this is what most people want to know about. First off, try to pay for your trip slowly. You’ll naturally need to put a deposit down, but if you wait to pay the fare in full, you might notice a price drop sooner or later. If this happens, you can contact the company to request that they honor this change in price since you haven’t paid in full yet. Another one of our best cruise tips is that if you really want to save money then go for older cruise ships. You might not have all the newer amenities but if it’s just the itinerary that you’re after then older cruise ships will save you a lot of money. We can’t forget to mention that those all-you-can-drink deals are not as cost-effective as you may have initially thought. Most of those deals will require you to drink about seven to ten drinks a day before any sayings actually kick in. If you don’t drink that much, then just buy as you go.


Everyone values their privacy, even when they’re on a cruise ship. While traveling, you may want to take the opportunity to go sunbathing or relax on your balcony. Just be wary, your balcony is not as private as you think it is. Your neighbors can very likely see you without much effort.


We know that the purpose of going on a cruise ship is to unwind and take our minds off the hustle and bustle lifestyle we usually have. While some may go completely gadget-less on these trips, or at least turn them off most of the time, there are others that can’t afford to do so. Unless you’re on newer ships, most cabins won’t have a lot of power outlets, and so it’s wise to bring either an extension cord or power adapters with you onboard. This will enable you and your companion(s) to fully charge your gadgets conveniently. Also, don’t forget to set your phone to airplane mode to avoid exorbitant roaming bills.


Looking to win big on the casino payouts? Well, we have some bad news for you. Casino payouts on these cruise ships are not really as big compared to their inland counterparts. For example, blackjack tables only often pay six to five instead of the usual three to two in land-based casinos.


Another money-saving tip that we want to impart to you is to go on a cruise ship when school is in progress. We know that not a lot of people can afford this because who’ll be left to take care of the kids? But, for those who can, that’s exactly the reason why prices are low. Fares usually double during holidays and so are not the ideal time to go on a cruise ship if you’re on a budget.


We won’t skip the gift shops, either. Please do take note that these souvenir shops often have great deals, and so our only advice is for you to hold out until they announce it before you buy your targeted items.


And, last but not least, something that a lot of vacationers worry about is parking for their vehicles before they set sail. You have options like hotels and in-port parking but the fees may be too much given that you’re going to leave your car for a while. That’s why independent parking lots are the solution. These companies will secure your vehicles at very low prices, sometimes even almost 50% off. So, don’t settle for those very costly parking spaces.


Maximizing your time and resources will definitely enhance your cruise ship experience, so you can focus on making memories with the people you love. The cruise secrets that we shared with you are from years and years of experience on these trips. Do not take your parking needs for granted when you go on a trip for the utmost safety, savings, and enjoyment. Park by the Ports offers affordable and secure parking services, so you don’t have to worry about where to leave your vehicle and can have the peace of mind necessary for your vacation. So, excited about your trip? Make a parking reservation now to secure your spot!


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